Title here
Summary here
This is a minimum working example (MWE) of a WebSocket echo server in Rust
using axum
and tokio
The HTTPS handshake happens on the same route (/
) as the WebSocket connection.
This MWE uses the following dependencies in Cargo.toml
axum = {version = "0.7.9", features = ["ws"]}
tokio = {version = "1.41.1", features = ["full"]}
The following resides in src/main.rs
use axum::{
// Include the WebSocketUpgrade extractor:
extract::ws::{WebSocket, WebSocketUpgrade},
use tokio;
// When a request comes in with the "Upgrade: websocket" header,
// you'll have `Some(ws)`. For regular HTTP requests, it will
// be `None`:
async fn handler(ws: Option<WebSocketUpgrade>) -> Response {
if let Some(ws) = ws {
// Handle WebSocket connection
} else {
// Handle HTTP request
Response::new("Hello HTTP!".into())
// Basic echo server example:
async fn handle_socket(mut socket: WebSocket) {
while let Some(msg) = socket.recv().await {
if let Ok(msg) = msg {
if let Err(_) = socket.send(msg).await {
async fn main() {
let app = Router::new()
// Pass the handler that includes the `WebSocketUpgrade` extractor to your route:
.route("/", get(handler));
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();